
2020 has been an unbelievable year

No one could have predicted such a major health crisis, and how it would turn our lives upside down. From sacrificing our personal freedoms, to constantly worrying about our health and our loved ones, it is incredible what we have gone through, and what we have endured.

This year our business was also thoroughly tested. At the peak of the crisis, selling diamonds seemed almost impossible. And we faced challenges on all fronts. It was a particularly difficult year for Rosy Blue, losing both our beloved founders. We miss them dearly, but their passing has served as an important reminder of who we are, and what we stand for. Our values, our priorities, and our commitments to each other, and to all of our stakeholders, are stronger than ever. And so, our company has also endured.

Our values, our priorities, and our commitments to each other, and to all of our stakeholders, are stronger than ever...

In 2021, we can see demand for natural diamonds returning. It seems that this strange year has given renewed meaning to natural diamonds, as the ultimate symbol of love. Natural diamonds are strong, rare, and irreplaceably unique. These qualities perfectly reflect the meaningful bonds between people - also strong, rare, and irreplaceably unique. The future for our business is starting to look brighter already.

We are incredibly grateful to have such a wonderful team at Rosy Blue.

Everyone helped navigate their respective company under extreme circumstances, facing challenges head on, and showing a great deal of understanding and support towards one another. We are ready for the future. 

Together We Are Stronger. Together We Sparkle.